The Teenagers
Welcome to the vibrant Teenagers Department at Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Corby, where our mission is to raise labourers for the Lord, following in the way of Christ.
At CAC Corby, we believe in nurturing the spiritual growth and development of our teenagers through a variety of engaging and enriching activities. Our Teenagers Department is committed to providing a holistic approach to faith formation, focusing on biblical teachings, and practical applications, and fostering a sense of community and belonging.
One of the highlights of our Teenagers Department is our themed Sundays, where we explore different aspects of our faith journey. From Proverbs Sundays, which delve into the words of wisdom from the Bible to Parable Sundays, we reflect on previous Sunday school lessons, and Practical Teaching Sundays, addressing the real-life challenges our teenagers face, each Sunday is an opportunity for spiritual growth and reflection.
In addition to our Sunday gatherings, we also meet online for our SOW (Study of the Word) Bible study sessions. It is a time for sowing God’s words into the lives of our teenagers. These sessions take place on the first and third Thursdays every month, providing a regular opportunity for deepening our understanding of scripture and strengthening our faith.